so now the update i promised... couple of months ago.. i got to do
a production with People's Association thru Kavitha n Apsara Asia... n it was gonna be held at........
ESPLANADE THEATRE!! so yeah i couldn't say no... well truly i did cause i had hell of a lot going on at that time and it was gonna be really hectic for me, managing teaching, rehearsals and my life.. but with the
support of Kavi and of course my bubby... i stuck on.. n m so glad i did.. cause i had so much fun n it was such an experience...
so the theatre alone is like
massive and sooooOOOOoo amazing.. the backstage is as big.. no wait bigger much bigger than the stage itself.. we danced to live music and the
choreography of Mr Fang Dong Kai... i was in like one piece only.. *sobz* wait.. who m i kidding... one was more than enough... hahaha... the costume kindda sucked.. the colour so didn't go with my skin tone.. bimbo i know... but u see the pics and be the judge aite...
looOOOOved the make-up... i did it myself... okie i lied... sha helped.. oh ya... sharin was in the show... of course.. haha... forgot... thank gawd he was there i wld have never survived otherwise... but okie wait, seriously the m ake up i did.. loads of it and i dun only mean the foundation...
anyway m gonna post up some pics for memory...
this one is of me and ryan, my bubby...